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Rakhi, energetic and woman with a voice of the center. She is a mother of two, a ten-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl. Her husband is a driver.

She sends both her children in an English medium private school, which is beyond her financial capacity but she is keen to get a good education for her children. Her mother advised her to work as labor at the construction site, but she bluntly refused.

She is of a view that a woman is always dependent on a man, be it father before marriage and then-husband after marriage, to create her own identity is a difficult task. Women want to stay where they are put in either by choice or forced. To make our mark and to create our identity we women need to move out of our shell, challenge the social and work on ourselves.

She says that she earns her living by stitching clothes and also does cooking in a few houses. Although she is grade seven pass out, yet as confident as a corporate female. Her views, opinion, and voice is as firm and confident as any well-educated female.

We are proud to have you at the center Rakhi, and you are a source of motivation to many women who are unable to break the barriers and move out. Kudos!