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Disha’s short hair has always been a source of amazement and also inspiration for some of our girls in the Faridabad school. So, keeping the amazement alive, this time Disha thought of connecting this to the importance of taking decisions which may be as small as choosing our own hairstyle but may prove to be life changing.

In our country it is quite common, where girls are not allowed to make even small choices such as wearing a particular kind of clothes, keeping a particular hairstyle, etc. How do we expect such kids to take big decisions in their lives when they don’t know the importance of deciding for themselves?

Who can be a better role model for girls across the country than our country’s first lady IPS officer, Ms. Kiran Bedi? Disha shared few biographical videos of Ms. Bedi with the girls. One of the videos depicted her own choice and decision of getting her hair cut. Ms. Bedi was a tennis player and for her, the long plaits were a hindrance in the game. She took this small decision of changing her hairstyle, but the impact of this decision lasted long. Disha made sure that the girls understand ,that taking such a small decision made Ms. Bedi feel able, independent and self reliant. The girls too were inspired seeing the video. They could understand that looking for permissions every time may leave them feeling dominated and suppressed. Disha told them to voice out their opinions and share them with the people around, then only they will be heard and their decisions will be respected in the long run.

Apart from thinking about us we also need to keep thinking about the betterment of people around us, this thought needs to be propagated among the youth of our country. Examples from the lives of great people can be extracted and can be very well applied in our lives too.

Disha shared another video with the girls telling them how to lose a shoe?


What is there in losing a shoe? Everyone has lost it at some or the other point of time in their lives. Isn’t it simple and painful at the same time? Once Ms. Bedi was travelling in the ladies compartment of a train, while she sported her famous boy cut hair along with loose shirt and pants. Obviously, it didn’t go well with the ideal image of an Indian girl. She was mistaken as a boy by the ladies and was beaten up by them. The ruckus increased to an extent where she was being pushed from the moving train. In the whole mess her one of the shoes fell on the rail tracks, she purposely took off the other shoe and let it fall on the rail tracks. She did it with the thought, that whoever finds the shoe should be able to use the set. Isn’t it a great thought? Shouldn’t we also learn the same from her. In that moment of physical and mental torture, she thought good about someone. Disha, made the girls understand the art of losing a shoe through this video.

The instances are small but it is the action of these people that make them great and worthy enough to look up to them.

Disha told the girls to watch their actions and think over it. Did the action or decision add some positivity in my personality? Did it benefit me or the others in some or the way? This kind of reflection is not only going to benefit anyone in the moment but will also help in transforming the person to a better human being.
